Indonesia to secure 3 golds in London Olympics

Updated: 2012-04-25 09:16


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JAKARTA - A senior Indonesian official said on Tuesday that the country is confident to secure three gold medals from badminton and weightlifting sports in the upcoming 2012 London Olympics scheduled to commence on July.

"We have great potential to get two gold medals in Badminton' s mens'  doubles and mixed doubles and one gold in weightlifting," Aslizar Tanjung, Indonesia' s Olympic delegation chief said here.

He said Indonesia pins great hope for mens' doubles pairing Muhammad Aksan/Bona Septano and mixed doubles combination Tantowi Ahmad/Liliana Natsir to secure two gold medals in the sport.

Badminton has been a sport in the Olympic Games where Indonesia relies to get gold medal from since 1992 Barcelona Olympics when now-married shuttlers Susi Susanti and Alan Budikusuma won the titles of women's and men's singles. Indonesian team always secured gold medal in the sport since then.

He also said that Indonesia has qualified five weightlifters from various classes to contend in London Olympics that consisted of Setiadi, Eka Yuli Irawan, Hasbi, Triyatno and Deni.

In total, Aslizar said that as of now Indonesia has qualified 21 athletes to vie in London for various sports that comprised of swimming, badminton, weightlifting, archery, fencing and Judo.

He added that more competitions to select the qualified athletes are underway at the moment, saying that the committee would recruit more athletes in boxing, rowing, athletics and archery.
