

Snapshots: the world in 24 hours, April 18

Updated: 2011-04-19 15:34


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Snapshots: the world in 24 hours, April 18

Ugandan anti-riot policemen stand guard outside Kasangati Police Station where Uganda's Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) leader Kizza Besigye was held after being arrested in Kampala, April 18, 2011. Ugandan opposition leader Besigye was charged in court on Monday with engaging in riotous beahviour and inciting violence after he was arrested during protests over rising food and fuel prices. [Photo/Agencies]


In the swim

Out of every 10 swimsuits in the world, seven are made in China.

Big spenders

Travelers spend more on shopping than food, hotels, other expenses

Rise in super rich

Rising property prices and a fast-growing economy have been the key drivers.

The beauty of body art
Waiting for drivers' seat
Teeing off to a bright future