Life and Leisure

A summer of packed schedules

By Gong Wanwen (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-08-31 14:50
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The two-month long summer vacation for students is hardly a break from studies, with at least 40 percent of them spending their time in training schools, according to a recent survey by the Horizon Research Consultancy Group.

The survey reveals that nearly 54.2 percent of parents put their children through special classes in English, mathematics, art or some sport.

At least 40 percent see extra training in English and math as a priority.

Only 23.6 percent of respondents picked traveling as their first choice.

The survey covered 3,255 residents in 10 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou (Guangdong province) and Wuhan ( Hubei province).

The survey also showed that while 72.6 percent of parents put their elementary school children through summer school, the figure climbed to 98.6 percent for those with high school children. Parents were reported spending an average of 1,169 yuan ($140) for the summer classes.

A majority of parents chose English and math classes with only 20 percent picking art and sport.

Most classes were for one month, accounting for half of the summer break.

Besides helping their children get a head start for the new school year, most parents said the summer break was far too long for them to attend to their children all the time.

While many experts have said the summer break offers the best opportunity for parents to enhance communication with their children, the survey found that only 20.9 percent of parents spent more time with their children. Forty percent cited tight work schedules as a reason for not doing so.

The survey found that the break did not improve the average of 2.08 hours that parents and children typically spend together each day.

A summer of packed schedules

A summer of packed schedules

China Daily