Life and Leisure

What's On

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-12-10 08:02
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Films from Israel

A retrospective festival of Israeli director Amos Gitai's major works of the past 25 years - including Kadosh, Kippur and Free Zone - is now on at Beijing's UCCA.

The filmmaker has received many international awards for his documentary films. One Day You'll Understand won the Best Director award at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2008, while Free Zone, starring Natalie Portman, bagged the Best Actress award at the Cannes International Film Festival in 2005. Screenings will be in the original language with French and Chinese subtitles.

On till Dec 11. 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang district. 010-8459-9269

What's On

Versatile artist

Veteran ink artist Chen Ping's solo show presents 60 of his latest ink paintings, calligraphic scrolls, painted ceramic pieces, essay and poem collections and seal-cutting works.

A studio in the exhibition hall also presents the traditional lifestyles of ancient artists whom Chen greatly admires.

9 am-5 pm, until Dec 12. National Art Museum of China, 1 Wusi Dajie, Dongcheng district. 010-6401-7076

Russian oil paintings

A group show of 200 Russian oil paintings is being held in Beijing.

Highlights include several works by late Soviet painter Konstantin Maksimov (1913-1993) who introduced the socialist realist school of oil painting to China, and whose style influenced Chinese oil art for decades.

9 am-5 pm, until Dec 17. Cultural Palace of Ethnic Chinese, 49 Fuxingmennei Dajie, Xicheng district. 010-6602-4433

What's On

Internet age

The latest creations of Zhang Xiaogang, an influential contemporary artist from Sichuan, are on display at Today Art Museum.

The exhibition features some 20 oil paintings, all done to a widescreen TV size, to reflect Zhang's perception of life in the Internet age.

10 am-5:30 pm, until Dec 26. Today Art Museum, 2/F, 32 Baiziwanlu, Chaoyang district. 010-5876-0600


Brass quartet

Exit Brass from Belgium is a dynamic brass quartet known for its high musical standards and a repertoire that includes original compositions. Its program will have classical music from Beethoven and Bizet, as well as adaptations from pop songs and folk ballads, besides their own compositions.

7:30 pm, Dec 16. Concert Hall, Shanghai Oriental Art Center, 425 Dingxiang Lu. 021-6217-2426

German orchestra

Hamburg Symphony will present a New Year concert at Shanghai Oriental Art Center. Founded in 1957, the German orchestra is in residence at the Hamburg Music Hall.

It has worked with many acclaimed singers such as Pavarotti, Domingo and even Hong Kong pop star Eason Chan, thanks to its versatility.

7:30 pm, Dec 30. Shanghai Oriental Art Center, 425 Dingxiang Lu. 021-6217-2426

Impressions of a visit

Artists from Shanghai Painting and Sculpture Institute (SPSI) recently went on an academic visit to Ecole superieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille of France. An exhibition presents their creations inspired by this visit.

9 am-5 pm, until Dec 22. SPSI Art Museum,111 Jinzhu Lu. 021-6275-9930

Water-ink paintings

Zhou Xuebin makes ingenious use of acrylic in Chinese water-ink paintings of mountains and rivers. The exhibition at Zhu Qizhan Art Museum brings together 73 such paintings transported all the way from Guangdong.

9 am-5 pm, until Dec 18. Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, 580 Ouyang Lu. 021-5671-0742