Herdsmen sacrifice homeland for spaceflight base

Updated: 2011-09-30 11:29


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A large sprawl of ruins remained near the space city. A stele was set up here in 2000 by the space base, inscribed with words: Baori Ulan, Site of Former Ejina Banner Government.

A base official named Zheng Guochun said that they have been educating staffs that Ejina people had sacrificed a lot for and contributed greatly to the space city.

A city hospital has been made the designated hospital for the herdsmen and has received a lot of patients, Zheng said.

"The herdsmen had given up their most precious things for the construction of the spaceflight base, and they should be paid back," said another officials named Wang Ke.

Wang said that the base once sent workers to repair a road in Gurinai which was ruined by a heavy truck and and made it even better than before. Then the base presented a singing and dancing performance for the herdsmen to celebrate the reopen of the road.

People at the space base not only offer various services for the herdsmen, but also provide expertise to support their economic development, such as planning desert tourism.

Base leaders have also submitted proposals to the central government,demanding subsidies for Ejina as a sort of compensation for the herdsman's sacrifice. Some of them have been approved.

Morigen, deputy head of the Ejina Television Station, said he wanted to record the whole story for the Ejina. The 43-year-old Mongolian had worked in Beijing but returned home recently.

The emotional man even wrote a song for Ejina Banner, saying that Mongolians had been roaming across the land for thousands years. The territory is covered by old trees and boundless snow. Nowadays pastoral songs still echo in tribespeoples' memories.

At a banquet, Morigen toasted to the guests, singing with loud voice." The old Ejina, cradle of our civilization; the golden Ejina, homeland of China's space dream."

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