Revolutionary eye

Updated: 2012-09-03 16:29

(China Daily)

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Many may know Che Guevara as an Argentine revolutionist due to his famous portrait photo symbolizing rebellion, but few know that he was also a photographer and artist.

An exhibition in the capital will display 232 photos by Guevara, mostly black-and-white, and some video interviews with people who knew his passion about photography. The photos include portraits of friends and families, and his experience in Latin America.

Since 1990, 13 countries have held exhibitions of Guevara's photos, including Spain, France and Italy. It's the first time the show is coming to Asia.

10 am-6 pm, Sept 8-Oct 10. Three Shadows Photography Art Center, 155 Caochangdi, Chaoyang district. 010-6432-2663


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