Artistic books

Updated: 2012-09-28 10:53

(China Daily)

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Diamond Leaves, an exhibition featuring artistic books from around the world, is being held at Cafa Art Museum in Beijing.

The first of its kind in China, the exhibition offers numerous artistic books created from 1913 to 2012, as well as handwritten sheepskin scrolls of the 16th century from Europe, and ancient books and woodblock engravings for books from the Song and Ming dynasties.

Artisans from the National Library will demonstrate how to make woodblock engravings for traditional style books in the exhibition hall.

"The message behind the show is that books are not fast vanishing in the digital and Internet age. Instead, they are gaining a new life in the art world once they are freed from the role of a vehicle for knowledge," says artist and curator Xu Bing.

9 am-5 pm, until Oct 28. Cafa Art Museum, 8 Huajiadi Nanjie, Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-6477-1637.


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