Ink stone treasure

Updated: 2012-09-28 11:07

(China Daily)

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The ink stone, one of the four treasures of the study, including writing brush, ink and paper, has been viewed as an art besides being a tool in calligraphy. Duan ink stone produced by stone in Zhaoqing, Guangdong province, is recognized as the most precious kind of ink stones in China. People can appreciate a duan ink stone art exhibition at Guangdong Museum until Oct 10.

Visitors will be amazed at the natural grains in the ink stones and artists' craftsmanship in engraving a piece of ink stone into lifelike images of mountains, towers, animals, plants and human beings.

The exhibition also displays some calligraphy works engraved in ink stones.

9 am-5 pm, until Oct 10 (closed on Mondays). Third Floor, Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou. 020-3804-6886.


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