Golden jubilee show

Updated: 2012-11-02 09:13

(China Daily)

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Yu Bingnan, a founding professor of Tsinghua University's School of Arts and Design, is hosting his retrospective solo show to mark his 50-year teaching career.

On display are more than 200 works of art and design the graphic designer master has created over the past decades, ranging from Chinese fonts to books, pictorials, dictionaries and posters.

The 80-year-old was awarded the Gutenberg prize by the International Gutenberg Society in 1989 for lifetime achievements in graphic design and promoting graphic design education in China.

9 am-5 pm, until Nov 15. The Art Museum of Tsinghua University, 30 Shuangqing Lu, Haidian district, Beijing. 010-6278-9089.


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