Oil art past and present

Updated: 2012-11-02 09:13

(China Daily)

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The 2012 Chinese Oil Art Exhibition, previously shown in the UK during the London Olympics, is making a homecoming debut at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing.

Works include art from older generations such as Zhan Jianjun, Jin Shangyi and Quan Shanshi, and oil pieces by younger artists, such as Liu Xiaodong, Yu Hong, Wang Yuping and Shen Ling.

Co-organized by Beijing municipal government and the Guozijian Oil Art Museum, the exhibition offers "a brief history of the development of Chinese oil art in New China since 1949," says Wang Hui, the curator.

9 am-5 pm, until Nov 7. National Art Museum of China, 1 Wusi Dajie, Dongcheng district, Beijing. 010-6400-1476.


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