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China Daily Website

App brings Champagne smarts to your fingertips

Updated: 2015-05-28 07:34
By Liu Zhihua (China Daily)

App brings Champagne smarts to your fingertips

Comite Champagne recently launched its first online education platform-in Chinese, English and French. Photo provided to China Daily

Fact box:

・ About half of the champagne sold today is purchased in countries and regions outside France; 30 percent goes to Asia.

・ Japan has the largest champagne market in Asia, about eight times that of the Chinese mainland.

・ In 2005, China imported 300,000 bottles of champagne and the number reached 1.6 million bottles in 2014.

・ While the market slowed after 2012, champagne sales have bubbled up again recently, according to industry reports.

・ The price of champagne is fairly stabilize. A bottle of entry-level champagne costs about 500 yuan ($81) in China, and better ones may cost thousands of yuan, according to Wang Wei, director of the Champagne Bureau of China.

・ The Champagne region is a candidate for World Heritage status, to be decided by UNESCO next July.

・ Sparkling wines such as cava from Spain and prosecco from Italy may have their own appellations of origin. Such wines cannot be labeled "champagne".


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