Chinese club denies interest in Inter's Milito

Updated: 2011-12-15 17:43

By Hou Lei (

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Chinese Super League's (CSL) Dalian Aerbin denied the rumor that it is interested in Inter Milan's striker Diego Milito, local newspaper Dalian Evening News reported Thursday.

The 32-year-old Argentine striker was earlier reported as being pursued by the club, which has just been promoted to China's top soccer division.

Chinese club denies interest in Inter's Milito

Diego Milito [File photo]

"The report is not true. In terms of selecting foreign players, our head coach will make the decision," said Li Ming, general manager of Dalian Aerbin.

"He prefers to find a player who can fit the tactics of the team. He has very practical tactics and coaching philosophy," Li added.

Milito has just taken the unfortunate Golden Bin honor as the worst player of 2011 in Serie A.

However, Dalian Evening News said the club may be chasing another Italy Serie A player – AC Milan's attacking midfielder Clarence Seedorf.

The 35-year-old Seedorf's contract with Milan will expire next June.

Li Ming said earlier the club is interested in "has-been star" players who still have certain abilities.

Li and Dalian Aerbin's newly appointed South Korean head coach Chang Woe-Ryong are now in Europe selecting players for the club.

The club, which was founded in 2009, pledged to invest at least 200 million yuan for next season.

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