Australian boxer might miss Olympics after failed doping test

Updated: 2012-05-17 08:08

(China Daily)

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Australian boxer Bianca Elmir failed a doping test and was slapped with a provisional ban that threatens her chances of competing at the London Olympics, her coach told Australian media on Wednesday.

Elmir, Australia's flyweight champion and Oceania's bantamweight champion, tested positive for a banned diuretic at the national titles in Tasmania in February, her coach Garry Hamilton told the Sydney Morning Herald.

Hamilton said 30-year-old Elmir had taken a tablet before the national titles to treat "swollen ankles" on a long-haul flight.

"She's taken the substance, that's not denied, but she wasn't aware it was going to do what it did - it wasn't done to help her with her boxing," Hamilton was quoted as saying.

"I really believe she's taken it for this medical reason, and only for this medical reason."

Hamilton and Boxing Australia were not immediately able to provide comment when contacted by Reuters.

The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority was also unavailable to confirm the test results, but a statement on its website ( said the body was aware of the reports but would not provide comment.

Elmir had received notice only hours before she was due to fly out to the women's boxing world championships in Qinhuangdao, China, newspaper reports said.


(China Daily 05/17/2012 page23)
