Putin urges Poland to protect foreign fans

Updated: 2012-06-14 15:37


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MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin Wednesday urged Poland to protect the safety of foreign football fans during the Euro 2012 tournament.

During a telephone conversation with his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk, Putin "expressed his concern over the situation about Russian football fans" following their street clashes with Polish fans during the football championship, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Putin said that organizers of such international competitions bear the responsibility for ensuring foreign fans' security.

Russian and polish football fans clashed on Tuesday ahead of a 1-1 draw between the two national teams that has finished late night.

Polish television images showed some people hurled stones and firecrackers against thousands of Russians who were marching toward Warsaw's national stadium to celebrate their national holiday.

Police fired tear gas and water cannon against brawling fans and arrested hundreds of people, media reported. The police then mobilized thousands of officers to maintain public order for the match and reinforcement units were employed to ensure the orderly exit from the stadium.

Polish Ambassador to Moscow Wojciech Zajaczkowski said Wednesday the incidents would not affect the political relations between the two nations, adding that no accusations have been issued so far to the 20 Russian fans detained in Warsaw.
