Chinese FM reaffirms support for UN

Updated: 2014-09-28 07:15

By ZHANG YUWEI at the United Nations(China Daily USA)

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Chinese FM reaffirms support for UN

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi addresses the 69th United Nations General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, Sept 27, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday reaffirmed China's continued support for the United Nations missions on various developmental and hotspot issues.

Speaking at the general debate during the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Wang said the UN charter presented a grand vision of joint efforts to build a better world.

"We should treat each other as equals," said Wang. "The pursuit by different countries of economic and social development must be respected," said Wang.

The foreign minister mentioned a number of hotspots - including conflicts in Gaza, Iraq, Ukraine and the Central African Republic and South Sudan - in his speech and stated China's stance on them.

"In the face of all those who are killed in war, we must ask ourselves: 'How can we keep the tragedies from recurring?'" said Wang.

Wang said when conducting mediation, the international community should uphold justice and take an "object and balanced position" and promote national reconsolidation.

"Countries should not be partial to any party in the conflict. Still less should they pursue their own agenda through their involvement," said Wang.

"Given their familiarity with local developments, we should leverage the strengths of regional organizations and countries and support them in addressing regional issues in ways suited to their region," said Wang.

Wang said China supports Iraq in upholding its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. "The formation of the new Iraqi government has provided an important opportunity," said Wang, adding that China calls for more humanitarian assistance to support Iraq.

Calling the Palestinian issue a wound on human conscience, Wang called on Israel and Palestine to secure a durable ceasefire, and urged Israel to lift its blockade of the Gaza Strip and stop building settlements.

"At the same time, the legitimate security concerns of Israel should be respected," Wang added.

As for the Korean peninsula, Wang said all parties should act in an objective and impartial way, remain committed to the goal of denuclearization of the peninsula and endeavor to resolve the issues through dialogue and consultation.

"The Six Party Talks remain the only viable and effective way to resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula," said Wang.

On the Millennium Development Goals – a set of development targets agreed by world leaders in 2000 – Wang said as the post-2015 development agenda will take over this historical mission next year, the international community should build on past progress and break new ground, and adopt more effective plans and take more robust actions to advance the common development of mankind.

The raging Ebola epidemic in some Africa countries has posed risks for global health security, Wang said.

"As a good brother and good partner of Africa sharing weal and woe with it, China will continue to stand firmly with the African people, and support and assist them to the best of its ability. We will also take an active part in the relevant international assistance efforts," said Wang.

Wang finished attending the UN General Assembly on Saturday and will co-host the sixth Meeting of the China-Mexico Intergovernmental Standing Committee from Sept 28-30. He will visit the United State from Sept 30- Oct 2 at the invitation of US Secretary of State John Kerry.

