Changde: an idyllic retreat praised by poets

Updated: 2013-12-30 11:44

By Feng Zhiwei (China Daily USA)

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Changde in Central China's Hunan province has been known since ancient times as an idyllic retreat.

Already well-known among the Chinese-speaking population as the carefree and peaceful kingdom depicted by poet Tao Yuanming in his 421 AD story, the city's fame was enhanced in November when it was named one of the country's top 10 leisure cities by the World Leisure and Recreation Association and the China Tourism Association.

China certainly has no shortage of old cities, but Changde, unlike most others, is a place where people can easily feel as if they have traveled back in time, as musicians play the Changde sixuan, a stringed instrument that dates back to the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), while local music lovers sip a cup of fragrantly refreshing Leicha tea that is said to have a history that dates back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220).

 Changde: an idyllic retreat praised by poets

Famed for its carefree lifestyle, today's Changde is a good place for rich nightlife. Wu Weimin / For China Daily

 Changde: an idyllic retreat praised by poets

Changde has easy access to many scenic spots. Luo Changmin / For China Daily

With its history of more than 2,000 years, Changde has been a recurrent name in Chinese poems, both ancient and modern. Changde: an idyllic retreat praised by poets

So another convenient way to get a sense of the past is to visit a 4-kilometer-long wall that is engraved with more than 1,200 poems that mention the city.

In addition to its history, local people enjoy the city's garden-like environment.

By the end of 2013, downtown Chengde had 14 million square meters of parks and greenbelts, some 44 percent of the city's total area and nearly 15 sq m per capita.

The city has also formulated a plan to further expand its green areas, with the goal being allowing people to reach green areas within 300 meters.

Also, two rivers, the Yuanshui and Lishui, run through the city, making you feel like you have stepped into a China's landscape painting.

The city has easy access to Dongting Lake, China's second-largest freshwater lake, and mountains such as Huping and Taifu, and Liuye Lake has become a popular tourist destination, as in addition to the 22-square-kilometer lake, it is home to the picturesque Taiyang mountain range, the highest within 500 km in any direction.

Changde also boasts playful people.

During the day, you will find people enjoying outdoor activities and games, while in the evenings they savor the city's rich nightlife.

(China Daily USA 12/30/2013 page15)
