Is the ban on tainted stars justified?

Updated: 2015-02-11 10:22

By Xie Caifeng(

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With Spring Festival round the corner, Ha Wen, director of the Spring Festival gala telecast by China Central Television, has said celebrities who have violated the law or moral and social values have been banned from taking part in the annual show. Earlier, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television had said that celebrities who have broken the law should not be invited to appear in TV programs. Besides, the Beijing Trade Association for Performances has signed an agreement with 42 agencies not to hire or invite celebrities who have been booked for drug abuse to perform in any program.

These are bad news for tainted celebrities whose career relies on public exposure. But by being prohibited from appearing on any programs are such celebrities being discriminated against in terms of “employment”?

Some say keeping them away from programs is the right thing to do to keep the industry clean and healthy because celebrities involved in drug or sex scandals have had a negative impact on society, particularly the youth. Besides, the program producers are free to decide who they want to work with.

But some lawyers claim that banning tainted stars from taking part in TV productions and films is extra-judicial punishment after they have paid the fines and served time in prison for their deeds. This also could constitute discrimination in employment according to the Anti-Drug Law, Labor Law and Employment Promotion Law, because these laws proclaim equal employment opportunities and prohibit any discrimination against people who have committed an offense and have been punished according to the law for it.

People guilty of committing an offense are entitled to get a second chance to live a normal life in accordance with the spirit of human rights. Law enforcement is not just about cold and ruthless punishment but also about rectification. Therefore, the laws stipulate that once a person has been punished for violating the law, he/she should not be discriminated against in any field of life, whether it is education, employment or social security. It is thus important that people understand the role of tolerance in building a harmonious world.

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