Peace in the Middle East

2011-05-23 08:00:07

Similarity of a growth model

2011-05-20 08:01:47

China needs to consider the sustainability of its growth process. This includes its effect on the environment and internal equity.

Solution to dam problems

2011-05-20 08:01:47

Our ears had been filled with assurances that a dam at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River would deliver benefits without doing any harm.

Tourism Day a good start

2011-05-20 08:01:47

A booming tourism industry in China will be a blessing, not only for China's economy, but also for the global economy as a whole.

Drunk driving

2011-05-20 08:01:47

Grassroots democracy

2011-05-19 07:56:46

Changes in voting for people's congress deputies at county and township levels will balance urban and rural representation.

Aging population a challenge

2011-05-19 07:56:46

China's population is now on the fast track of aging, which would cause far-reaching socio-economic consequences, Du says.

US action violates international law

2011-05-19 07:56:46

The US' cross-border military operations are violations of other countries' sovereignty.


2011-05-19 07:56:46

Warming defense ties with US

2011-05-18 07:46:55

The US Army and the PLA bands played at a joint concert at Kennedy Center on May 16. It was the first ever visit by the PLA band to the US.

Joint fight against terrorism

2011-05-18 07:46:55

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani started a four-day official visit to China on Tuesday.

Long-term food safety

2011-05-18 07:46:55

The contagious popular discontent over the authorities' competence in safeguarding the national food chain.