Nuclear safety must be our aim

2011-04-29 07:56:10

With the memory of Chernobyl and, now, the disaster in Fukushima, we must widen our lens.

Population growth concerns

2011-04-29 07:56:10

It can take several decades for a population policy to show its effect. Therefore, fluctuations in the population size must be closely monitored。

Complicity in food crimes

2011-04-29 07:56:10

We had no solid evidence when we said the pork from the Shuanghui subsidiary containing the banned substances were probably just the tip of an iceberg.

China's forex

2011-04-28 07:56:59


Moving beyond confrontation

2011-04-28 07:56:59

Human rights are always a sensitive issue and the latest Sino-US Human Rights Dialogue is likely to demonstrate this once again.

Stronger ASEAN ties

2011-04-28 07:56:59

Premier Wen Jiabao started an official visit to two Asian nations on Wednesday. It is his first official visit to Indonesia.

Charity legislation

2011-04-28 07:56:59

The latest report on philanthropy in China shows that our people are compassionate and willing to donate to help the needy.

Its road is unique but universal

2011-04-27 07:59:03

It is necessary to understand a series of historic connections if one is to fully appreciate China's development.

Gold price

2011-04-27 07:59:03

NATO mired in crisis

2011-04-27 07:59:03

More than one month has passed since members of the NATO waged their first military actions against Libya in the name of protecting civilian lives.

Philanthropy transparency

2011-04-27 07:59:03

Whether Chen Guangbiao is true to the title of the country's top philanthropist is only one issue of concern.

Obama's gas problem

2011-04-26 08:00:13