
Updated: 2013-05-24 07:31

(China Daily)

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"Exports were definitely inflated in the first four months, and mainly driven by shipments to Hong Kong."

Li Jian, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Coopertion, a think tank of the Ministry of Commerce. China's trade surplus figures in the first four months of the year were inflated by hot money smuggled into the country to profit from interest rate differen-tials and investments in the real estate and financial sectors amid the yuan's appreciation, economists say.


"Our survey found that a growing number of Chinese residents are more willing to set development goals in a global perspective when formulating their life plan. They hope to realize their dreams by making the most of the opportunities and advantages that different markets offer."

Li Feng, director of retail banking and wealth management business at HSBC China. A survey HSBC Bank (China) Co conducted in March is said to have shown that Chinese consumers have a strong desire to embrace a global vision.

(China Daily 05/24/2013 page14)
