Versatile artist

2012-12-14 14:15:20

Artist Shu Yong presents more than 30 of his artworks at Poly Art Center Gallery. As an all-round artist, Shu's creations include ink, photography and performance art.

En pointe to Canada

2012-12-14 14:04:00

China's national ballet company continues to take the nation's artistic dance to the world. 'Godfather of world music' passes away

Creative exchanges

2012-12-14 13:18:24

Artists from 24 countries and regions are displaying their works at the 4th Guangzhou Triennial, titled The Unseen, which promotes communication among different cultures.

Lohengrin's grandeur survives despite snags

2012-12-14 11:01:29

National Center for the Performing Arts' production of Lohengrin has a set that showcases high-tech stagecraft more than dramatic nuances. NCPA takes center stage

NCPA takes center stage

2012-12-14 10:38:49

The national theater affectionately known as 'The Egg' celebrates its fifth birthday.

What they say about NCPA

2012-12-14 10:28:17

NCPA is a bridge between China's culture market and the foreign companies. NCPA is running the "Young Composers Project" to discover and support young artists.

Auction reforms

2012-12-13 14:37:19

Cultural relics experts, antique dealers and art auctioneers discussed how the Chinese art market could achieve healthy development.

Shaping the future

2012-12-13 14:36:07

Deng Fei, Zhao Wei, Wang Qiuyang,Lei Jun, and Lang Lang were honored as "Young Constructive Personages" at an award ceremony in Beijing.

Indie animation

2012-12-13 14:33:52

The first Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennial starts on Dec 22 and will display nearly 100 animated films by 56 artists from around the world.

Folk traditions

2012-12-13 14:33:00

The China Agriculture Film and Television Center recently presented its annual "Country Ceremony" to reward 10 people.

Finding new lives

2012-12-13 14:32:43

Directed by Zhou Xiaogang and starring actress Qin Hailu (left), the new TV drama Heading for Happiness is being shot in Jinzhou, Liaoning province.

Artist Pan Lusheng's solo art exhibition held in Shandong Museum

2012-12-13 13:11:34

Artist Pan Lusheng's solo art exhibition held in Shandong Museum