Shanghai Art Fair opens

2012-11-01 17:52:55

A total of 146 galleries from 12 countries have participated in the annual Shanghai Art Fair.

Artist threads worldview into her work

2012-11-01 17:52:20

After eight years in New York City, artist Lin Tianmiao returned to Beijing in 1995 and settled into domestic life.

Bram Stoker's restored 'Dracula' desk up for auction

2012-11-01 15:08:28

The desk where Bram Stoker wrote his famed 1897 book "Dracula" is going up for auction next month after having been restored and turned into a work of art.

Spiritual fiction

2012-11-01 14:22:24

Chinese Sci-Fi writer Wang Jinkang and poet Yang Zi recently held a book-signing event for readers who purchase their new science fiction Chengdu, Sichuan province.

Folk festival

2012-11-01 14:17:15

CCTV has produced a large-scale program titled Ethnic and Folk Song and Dance Gala, to be aired from Nov 4-8.

Art biennale in Italy

2012-11-01 13:28:47

The first Italy-China Biennale of Contemporary Art is being held until Dec 16 at Monza in suburban Milan, in Italy.

Film experts meet

2012-11-01 13:27:39

Peking University has gathered more than 20 filmmakers, scholars and officials in a seminar named Films' Culture and Influence from Oct 27-28.

Piano play

2012-11-01 11:22:19

Musical The Piano In A Factory by renowned composer San Bao premiered at Yulan Theater of Dongguan, Guangdong province.

Qi Baishi's descendents donate painting

2012-11-01 11:04:02

Descendents of Chinese painter Qi Baishi joined hands with Qi Baishi Memorial Hall to release a five meter scroll painting to commemorate the 148th anniversary of the master's birthday.

When Chinese music encounters the West

2012-11-01 11:04:53

What would you discover were you to Google the number of Chinese students of western instruments

Shapely squash

2012-10-31 09:46:56

Halloween may be lucky timing for this gourd-growing farmer, but he only cares about making art from vegetables, he tells Wang Kaihao and Xu Lin in Dacheng county.

Body paint and all the trimmings for Halloween

2012-10-31 09:40:41

Christmas may be the "most wonderful time of the year", as the song goes, but Huang Zhiguan never has to wait that long, because Halloween is here.