Act to inspire

2012-08-17 08:48:29

Situated in the northwestern suburban Beijing, Lengquan is one of the dozens of villages where large number of the migrant workers gather.

Journalist’s note

2012-08-16 12:58:34

When I met Zhou Lijuan for the first time, she insisted giving me one business card.

Dream in bud

2012-08-16 12:57:58

Volunteer work, to most students, is a part-time job that can broaden their horizons or add embellishments to their resumes.

Act to inspire

2012-08-16 12:57:16

On the stage of Penghao theatre, 13 child actors and actresses stood in the spotlight, beaming with confidence and spoke their dreams.

A moment to reflect

2012-08-16 12:56:28

It is not the first time that Wang Yuchen has become a volunteer teacher. But for the first time, she stops and reflects.

Strangers in the city

2012-08-16 12:55:49

In the bustling night bazaars in the Lengquan village in northwest suburban Beijing, one may mistake it for that of a modernized town.

Piano taking musician to great heights

2012-08-15 15:24:11

German pianist Stefan Aaron has quickly become a famous foreigner in China because of his recent performance — not on stage of but on the Great Wall in Beijing.

Culture: A seat of power

2012-08-14 17:13:13

Chinese folding chair, jiaoyi, which is often used as a synonym for power in Chinese. Get to know why.

Culture: A taste of 2012 CAFA graduation exhibition

2012-08-12 16:18:59

In its fourth year, “The Start of a Long Journey” includes selected works from 127 graduates.It helps art enthusiasts gain an insight into the status quo of contemporary Chinese art education.

China design exhibition

2012-08-12 10:24:05

The Ministry of Culture and Shenzhen municipal government recently announced a plan to hold China Design Exhibition 2012.

Olympians are forever

2012-08-12 09:08:31

The story of Eric Liddell is celebrated in the film Chariots of Fire and in a new book on the athlete by a resident of Tianjin who knew him well.

Boosting arts education in rural schools

2012-08-10 16:29:28

The "love package" project is set to improve the situation of weak arts education at the elementary level in vast rural regions.