gets up to funny business

2012-12-10 10:11:32

The video website kicked off the second season of I am Legend, a talent show to find promising comedians, at the end of November.

Old Beijing performance

2012-12-10 09:53:45

After a year of collecting and research, Beijing Opera Arts College teachers and students will perform old Beijing songs and folk shows at the college hall in Fengtai district of Beijing.

Chinese paintings at world art expo

2012-12-10 09:50:29

Chinese paintings have become an important part of the 2012 Art Expo, which will be held from Dec 5-9 in Miami Beach, Florida, in the United States.

Report documents documentaries

2012-12-10 09:48:08

The China Documentary Research Center, an institute affiliated to the Communication University of China, released the Annual Report on the Development of Chinese Documentary (2012) on Nov 30.

Film shows love's sillier side

2012-12-10 09:46:14

Veteran actor Zhu Shimao has finished his second directorial work Love Retake, a romantic comedy to be released in early February.

Erhu star plays folk tunes for the future

2012-12-09 15:28:41

Stereotypically the erhu, a traditional two-stringed bowed Chinese instrument, is known for its plaintive melodies.

Step by step

2012-12-07 16:31:38

Riverdance, a dazzling Irish step-dancing show, will have a 10-week tour across 24 cities in China. The first stop is Guangzhou.

Funny business

2012-12-07 16:26:40

The popular Chinese comedy troupe Mahua FunAge, about nine young people hunt for treasure under the guise of blind dates, is stageing in Guangzhou.

Raising their voices

2012-12-07 16:03:38

The 16-member a cappella group The Australian Voices will croon ballads that tell Australian folktales in Guangzhou.

Dissolving dichotomies

2012-12-07 15:27:46

From June to August 2012, Hangzhou-based artist Yuan Yuan participated in the Glenfiddich Artists in Residence Program in Dufftown, Scotland.

Jars of clay

2012-12-07 15:17:32

The World Art Museum is presenting the First Contemporary Chinese Ceramics Art Exhibition. The show features 300 porcelain masterpieces.

Age-old glory

2012-12-07 15:06:03

Zhao Meisheng, at age 88, hold his third solo show at the National Art Museum of China displays dozens of mountains-and-water and flowers-and-birds paintings, as well as calligraphic works.