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China Daily Website

World can expect fine Italian wine produced in 2013

Updated: 2013-11-19 14:14
( English.news.cn)

Always among Italy's top exports, last year wine sales reached 4.7 billion euros (6.3 billion U.S. dollars) according to the Italian National Institute of Statistics. In 2013, it is likely to exceed 5 billion euros, which analysts consider a record amount.

"The positive trend of export has not declined even during the economic crisis. It may have decreased in quantity sometimes, but it has increased in revenue, which means we sell fewer bottles but of a higher quality and at higher prices," said Martelli from Assoenologi.

International demand for Italian wines is becoming more and more vital because domestic consumption has sharply reduced over the years: from 110 litres per capita in late 1970s to less than 40 litres in 2013.

Planeta winery, in Sicily, is a good example of this. With a production of 2 million bottles a year with vineyards scattered through 360 hectares around Sicily, Planeta sells 55 percent of its wines abroad.

The recent harvest has been kind to them as well. Production in Sicily increased by 30 percent, double than the national average.

"It rained more than usual and it was less hot. That could be risky for us, instead it turned out to be luck," Planeta's enologist Patricia Toth told Xinhua.

"We will likely have some very good wines and even some outstanding ones," she said.

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