Balotelli scores twice on Milan debut

Updated: 2013-02-04 11:12


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Balotelli scores twice on Milan debut

Italy's Mario Balotelli, newly signed player for AC Milan soccer club, poses for a photo with his jersey before a news conference at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Feb 1, 2013. [Photo/Agencies]

Balotelli, who moved to Milan for a fee media reports put at 20 million pounds, nearly scored after less than a minute when he burst past two defenders and clipped the far post.

He then set up a chance for M'Baye Niang and it was no suprise when he opened his account by turning the ball in from six meters after El Shaaraway's cross from the left fell at his feet.

He nearly added another two minutes later with a dipping shot which was turned over by the bar by Udinese goalkeeper Daniele Padelli.

It was a typically erratic performance from Balotelli, however, and he failed to control the ball on several occasions causing Milan attacks to break down.

Giampiero Pinzi equalized on the break in the 55th minute when Udinese caught Milan napping and the home defence suddenly began to look vulnerable.

Balotelli went close in the 85th minute with a low free kick which Padelli turned around his post before the stormy finale.


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