Little man, massive talent

Updated: 2013-11-13 07:20

By Tym Glaser (China Daily)

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Little man, massive talent

But therein may be the brilliance of the cornerstone of Indian cricket for nearly a quarter of a century.

He didn't have to dazzle because he had the entire skill set and more.

A great eye, quick hands, wrists and feet, an uncanny ability to find gaps in the field - or create them - and unflinching courage when facing the finest fast bowlers in the world, like Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, Glenn McGrath, Allan Donald, Dale Steyn, Courtney Walsh, Curtly Ambrose and so many others of that fiery ilk. Then the abiltiy to outwit the spin mastery of the world's Abdul Qadirs, Shane Warnes and Muttiah Muralitharans.

The diminutive star's ultra-compact technique against the quicks made it look all so easy while even the great Lara and other modern day stars like Ricky Ponting, Steve Waugh, Jacques Kallis and Rahul Dravid were made to look ordinary against quality pace at times in their careers.

The captaincy of the world's second most populous nation's cricket team never sat comfortably upon him, injuries - particularly a bad elbow - and criticism in his twilight years that he was overstaying his welcome and holding young talent back rocked him, but he never fell.

Now this monument to the game (all 5 feet, 5 inches of him) gets to bow out on his own terms at his homeground.

We will not see his like again, and we will be poorer for it.

Perhaps the final word should go to someone who knew more about cricket greatness and its ups and downs than even Sachin.

"I saw him playing on television and was struck by his technique, so I asked my wife to come look at him. Now I never saw myself play, but I felt that this player is playing with a style similar to mine, and she looked at him on television and said yes, there is a similarity between the two ... his compactness, technique, stroke production ... it all seemed to gel," said the late Sir Donald Bradman.

Tym Glaser is a senior sports copy editor at China Daily who can't wait for the next Ashes series to start. He can be contacted at

(China Daily 11/13/2013 page24)

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