Australia to arrive first at FIFA World Cup

Updated: 2014-02-20 11:32


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FLORIANOPOLIS, Brazil - Australia will be the first team to arrive in Brazil

Australia to arrive first at FIFA World Cup

Brazil launches World Cup commemorative coins 

for this year's FIFA World Cup, the local organizing committee said on Wednesday.

The Socceroos will disembark on May 28, 15 days before the opener between Brazil and Croatia.

The committee's competition manager Frederico Nantes outlined organizational details for the June 12-July 13 tournament during the FIFA World Cup Workshop in the southern city of Florianopolis.

Twenty coaches from the 32 competing teams are attending the two-day event ending Thursday, according to FIFA.

Australia will begin their World Cup campaign against Chile on June 13 in the western city of Cuiaba.

Ange Postecoglou's team will then meet the Netherlands on June 18 in Porto Alegre and defending champions Spain five days later in Curitiba.

Under FIFA rules, teams must arrive at the World Cup at least five days before their first group match.
