About Us

1. Overview

1) China Daily USA

China Daily US Edition is a tailor-made version of China Daily, China’s national English-language newspaper, for North American readers.

Launched in 2009 and published Monday through Friday, the US Edition was created to provide a unique window into China by giving the Chinese perspective on the major financial, political and social issues that affect China and the United States today.

With writers based in the US and China, the US Edition features reporting on Chinese business, politics, society, and culture from both sides of the Pacific. And with offices in six major US cities of New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angles and Houston, we are committing ourselves to faster delivery and better customer services.

Our goal, through the insight on China the US Edition provides, is to keep North American readers current on developments in one of the world’s fastest-growing countries and facilitate constructive dialogue between China, the US, and the world at large.

These materials are distributed by China Daily Distribution Corporation on behalf of China Daily Beijing, China. Additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, DC.

2) New media Presence

China Daily US Edition has started renovating its own website www.chinadailyusa.com since 2009, and in the mean time, it has begun to penetrate into social networking sites, including Facebook and Twitter, and wireless application areas. Today, China Daily and its US Edition is already available on mobile platforms including iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Android. And the US Edition is also available on Amazon Kindle and Digital book(s)TM by Sony for single issue purchase or monthly subscription. Our Nook edition is under way as well. We are also available on:

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3) China Daily Media Group

China Daily, founded on June 1, 1981, is the national English-language newspaper and is targeted at Western mainstream society. Through 30 years, it has evolved into a multi-media group focusing on providing comprehensive information for readers through traditional and new media.

China Daily’s reports are the most frequently quoted by foreign media and it acts as an important window to “China understanding the world and be understood by the world”. Guided by premier content, China Daily is well on its way to being a world-class media group.

The China Daily group has 13 English publications and the country’s top news Internet portal, including China Daily, the China Daily US edition, China Daily Hong Kong edition, China Business Weekly and the educational newspapers under the 21st Century English Educational media. Its website is the main English portal in China.

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4) China Daily

China Daily is the national English-language newspaper and is one of the most authoritative newspapers in the country. It serves as a key reference point for overseas media and society. The newspaper has an average daily circulation of more than 800,000 in 150 countries and regions. Two-thirds of China Daily’s readers are government officials, think tanks and decision-makers as well as top executives from multinational corporations.

2. Our Commitment

China Daily US Edition promises to supply premium content to facilitate its readers' understanding to China.

Market Intelligence

Reporting on Chinese macro and micro trends, trade activities, economic statistics, financial markets, major industries, and regulatory revisions provide decision-makers with the data they need to optimize their bottom line.

Political Analysis

Close coverage of the Chinese legal framework, political developments, government policies, official leadership, and changes in the US-China relationship gives readers a holistic view of China’s current political climate.

Cultural Enlightenment

Stories on Chinese arts, travel, cuisine, history, and modern society allow readers to explore the rich tapestry of people, places, and traditions that comprise one of the most diverse countries on the planet.

Insider Access

Through editorials written by and interviews conducted with Fortune 500 CEOs, foreign heads of state, noted Chinese and American scholars and senior government officials in both nations, readers gain firsthand insight from the most authoritative sources.

3. Advertising opportunities

1) Our Audience

As the US Edition of the world’s premier English-language Chinese newspaper, our readers in North America include corporate executives, law makers, US government officials, think tank leadership, university faculty, senior members of the American media, and diplomat corps in the US.

2) 2011 General Rate card

As an influential voice within a powerful, unique community, advertising with China Daily US Edition presents an effective opportunity to boost your brand recognition.

Please contact ads@chinadailyusa.com or 212-537-8900 for further information.


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Colored ($)

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4. CONTACT China Daily USA

New York:

Address: 1500 Broadway, Suite 2800, New York, NY 10036

Tel: 212-537-8888

Fax: 212-537-8898

Subscription: 212-537-8899


Advertising: 212-537-8900

Washington DC:

Address: National Press Bldg, Suite 1108 529 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20045

Tel: 202-662-7249

Fax: 202-662-7247

San Francisco:

Address: 575 Market Street Suite 1875 San Francisco, CA 94105

Tel: 415-348-8288

Fax: 415-348-8388

Los Angeles:

Address: 350 S. Figueroa St. Suite 509 Los Angeles, CA 90071

Tel: 213-232-0130

Fax: 212-537-8898


Address: 1700 Seventh Ave. Suite 2100 Seattle, WA 98101

Tel: 206-357-8514

Fax: 212-537-8898


Advertising:ads@chinadailyusa.com, 212-537-8900

Editorial: editor@chinadailyusa.com, 212-537-8888

(Beijing) 86-10-64995000

New Media:Email: newmedia@chinadailyusa.com, 212-537-8888