The newly upgraded partnership between China and South Korea should guide them to present the long-awaited, well-documented evidence to deliver justice to the victims and their relatives.
Aren't Chinese proud enough of their own culture to propagate it instead of burying it under imported elements, in the name of business opportunities?
International investors, after wrestling with economic woes at home, have regained their appetite.
While the presidential primary elections in the United States are not over, Mitt Romney is now almost certain to be the party’s nominee to face Democratic President Barack Obama in November.
The polls are very close, and voters have not yet locked in their decisions. The economy could rise more sharply than expected in the months ahead.
The JOBS Act is an extreme example of Americans' belief in people's essential goodness, and everyone's right to self-fulfillment.
The core of the relationship is simple: China needs US innovation to grow, and the US needs Chinese markets to grow.
Despite global population growth and economic crisis, absolute poverty – the proportion of people living on less than $1.25 a day – is falling in every region of the world.
The ECB's surprise liquidity operation put the continent's crisis on hold. But now, just fourth months later, matters are again coming to a head.
A "cyber 9/11" may be more likely than the often-mentioned "cyber Pearl Harbor." It is time for states to sit down and discuss how to limit this threat to world peace.
More than three years after the financial crisis that erupted in 2008, who is doing more to bring about economic recovery, Europe or the United States?
How to achieve a more moderate growth rate without causing a hard landing is one of the biggest challenges facing the Chinese government.