Premier Wen visits cleaners, bus drivers

Updated: 2012-05-01 20:02


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BEIJING - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited street cleaners and bus drivers in Beijing, and offered festival greetings to workers across the nation on Tuesday, International Labor Day.

When visiting cleaners with the Beijing Environment Sanitation Engineering Group, Wen called upon Beijing citizens to think of cleaners and their hard work while enjoying the clean environment, and to respect these frequently under-appreciated workers.

Premier Wen visits cleaners, bus drivers

Premier Wen Jiabao talks to a cleaner at a park in Beijing, May 1, 2012. [Photo/Xinhua]

During his visit to bus drivers and conductors with Beijing Public Transport Holdings Ltd, Wen said their hard work should win society-wide respect, as public transport serves not only locals but domestic and foreign visitors.

The premier added cities should give priority to public transit in developing transport networks. Only if buses offer convenient, comfortable, punctual and safe services, can they become major tools of cities, and can the traffic and air quality be improved.

Beijing Public Transport Holdings Ltd., with 110,000 employees, runs 28,000 vehicles on 948 routes.

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