China open to political proposals on Syria

Updated: 2012-06-14 21:12


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BEIJING - China is open to proposals on convening an international conference on Syria or establishing a contact group on Syria, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said here Thursday.

Spokesman Liu Weimin made the remarks at a regular press conference when asked to comment on proposals raised by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Kofi Annan, the joint UN and Arab League special envoy for Syria.

As killings have been reported almost every day in Syria, Lavrov proposed an international conference on Syria last Saturday.

He said the international conference on Syria should become the "only framework" toward resolving the crisis in Syria and the only platform to implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Syria.

Also last week, Annan proposed an international contact group to bring together key world countries to bring an early end to the Syrian conflict.

"China advocates the international community adhering to the general direction of seeking a political resolution to the Syrian conflict," said Liu.

He called on the international community to provide full support for Annan's mediation efforts and promote the implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions as well as Annan's six-point plan.

"China is willing to maintain contact with all relevant parties on the above proposals," he said.

China has repeatedly said that it has no intention of siding with any Syrian party, and the Syrian people have the right to decide Syria's development path and political system, Liu said.

As long as consensus is made among different parties in Syria through political dialogue and can be accepted by all Syrian parties and the international community, China will be open to it, he noted.

On one hand, China hopes Annan's mediation efforts will make more progress as soon as possible. On the other hand, China calls for patience and international solidarity, given the complicated situation in Syria, said the spokesman.

He reiterated that international actions on Syria should be conducive to easing tensions in the country, promoting a political resolution to the issue and maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East region.

He again urged all Syrian parties to cooperate with the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), put an end to all forms of violence and protect civilians, so as to defuse tensions at an early date.

"China disapproves of one-sided sanctions or pressure in the settlement of the Syrian conflict," he added.
