Chinese VP stresses strengthening China-US ties

Updated: 2012-07-25 20:58


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BEIJING - Vice-President Xi Jinping said Wednesday the United States and China should strengthen mutual trust, cooperation and friendship, and properly handle differences.

In this way, the two countries can push forward bilateral relations toward the direction of cooperative partnership featuring mutual respect and mutual benefit set by the two heads of state, and explore a new model of relationship between major powers like China and the United States to benefit the two peoples and the world, Xi said.

Xi made the remarks during a meeting with US National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon, noting that China-US relations have been moving ahead on the whole through the last four decades.

"As times change, China and the United States are both growing, and bilateral relationship is standing at a crucial historical juncture," Xi said.

He called on the two sides to view bilateral ties from a long-term perspective and enhance exchanges in various fields and at a range of levels.

Donilon, who is on a three-day trip to China, said current US-China ties are positive, stable and fruitful.

He highlighted frequent high-level contacts, effective mechanisms for communication and dialogue, as well as expanding and deepening cooperation.

The United States will enhance contact, mutual understanding and cooperation with China to jointly build a new model of relationship between the major powers of China and the United States, he told Xi.

Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Qishan also met Donilon on Wednesday, and they discussed the two countries' economic relations.
