Fingerprints to be added to ID cards

Updated: 2012-12-27 21:22


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The old resident identity cards will be obsolete from Jan 1, 2013, and public security departments in some major cities will begin collecting residents' fingerprints when people apply for a new ID cards, the Ministry of Public Security said on Thursday.

The ministry issued a notice stating that from Jan 1, 2013, the public security organs in some pilot cities will take the fingerprint information of those, who apply for in the first time, change or replace their ID cards.

Figures released by the ministry show, at present, more than 1.1 billion people have obtained the new versions of the ID cards.

The public security departments will provide temporary resident ID cards for those who are waiting for new ID cards, when they need to travel or stay in hotels.

The ministry said by the end of 2013 public security organs across the country will start collecting fingerprints whenever people apply for an ID card.
