Public gets chance to see missile destroyer up close

Updated: 2012-12-29 01:34

By Zhao Shengnan in Shenzhen, Guangdong (China Daily)

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The missile destroyer Shenzhen on Friday concluded a three-day open house that showed China's growing naval strength, and which boosted maritime education.

The open house, arranged by the South Sea Fleet in South China's port city of Shenzhen, also came on the fourth anniversary of the country's sending its first escort fleet to Somali waters and the Gulf of Aden.

The ship was decorated with flags and lights — "a symbol of respect only on important holidays" — when it returned to its "second hometown" for the first time since 2008, Captain Zhao Changsheng said.

Zhang Songyan, political commissar of the warship, added: "Warships are moving territories. Through such communication, we want to promote the concept of a 'harmonious sea' and maritime rights among the public."

The Shenzhen participated in the People's Liberation Army's second escort mission in 2009, protecting 393 ships and saving four from pirates.

Liu Xuewen, a 73-year-old retired engineer, said he was excited to see the Chinese navy's increasing capability.

"In the 1960s, after spending days going to a drilling platform in the South China Sea, we had to come back home on the second day due to the safety problems there," said the Shenzhen resident, who worked in the offshore oil industry for 33 years.

"With protection like the Shenzhen, today's business vessels will never feel insecure, as we did," he said.

Xu Liang, 52, aimed to send the same message to his 8-year-old daughter during the tour, saying the navy has guaranteed the supplies that closely relate to people's daily lives and brought the world closer to China.

Xu's wife, Liu Yuhong, visited the Yichang missile destroyer when it stopped in Auckland, New Zealand, 12 years ago.

"When seeing a Chinese warship, which seemed more advanced than the others at the Auckland port, I was as proud and excited as if I had seen my own long-separated mother," she said. "Of course, the Shenzhen is much more advanced than the Yichang."

Gao Yi contributed to this story.

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