Xiao Cui quits?
Cui Yongyuan, a well-known Chinese host nicknamed Xiao Cui, is reported to have quit CCTV last Wednesday. Some claimed it is to pursue his dream in the movie industry. Cui, however, hasn't responded to the report yet and the editor's office of CCTV denied any knowledge of the news. (chinanews.com)
Cable car horror
A tourist died after falling from a cable car in the Fragrant Hills of Beijing. A witness claims he saw the man jump from the cable car, but this has not been confirmed by the police, Beijing Times reported. The cause is still under investigation. (sohu.com)
Shameless official
"With bowls of rice in hand and pork in mouth, they still curse you. The folks have always been like this. They are always shameless," a party secretary of a town in Hebei muttered while enjoying a luxurious banquet, with expensive Chinese white spirit and cigarettes on the dining table, as shown in a video, which sparked widespread criticism online. The local county publicity department announced on Monday that the official has been removed from his position. (chinanews.com)
Disgruntled arsonists
A man who was dismissed from his position as a teacher 15 years ago ignited two gas tanks in the mess hall of the school where he once worked during lunch Monday, slightly injuring five students. The injured students have returned to school and the case is till under investigation. (chinanews.com)
Killer cradles
An eight-year-old boy died in a tragic rocking cradle incident in Quanzhou, Fujian province on Sunday. The boy was stuck in the gap between the body of the rocking cradle, which is still in operation. It's common to see rocking cradles by the doors of small supermarkets as thousands of children do every day. But the local safety watchdog has launched an investigation into the accident. Accidents involving rocking cradles lack monitoring in China, the report said. (fj.chinanews.com)
Forced abortion
An elderly woman from Chongqing forced her pregnant daughter-in-law to have an abortion because she ate rabbit meat and would produce a harelip baby. The young woman objected, but the mother was furious and said she would not take care of a baby with any birth defects. (www.cmen.cc)
Infant formula bribery
Hospitals have been exposed for taking bribes from infant formula companies to make their products the first sip of life for new born babies. A person within the industry said as new born babies get accustomed to the taste of the powdered milk, they may rely on that brand and refuses to be breastfeed. (http://news.youth.cn)
Li Yang abuse
American Kim Lee, the ex-wife of Li Yang, the Chinese who won fame for his "Crazy English" language-learning method, posted their text exchanges on social networking Sina Weibo, in which Li called her "greedy scumbag" and other swear words. A Beijing court granted their divorce on Feb 3, 2013 for Li's domestic violence. (163.com)