Across America

Updated: 2012-08-31 11:31

(China Daily)

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 Across America

San Francisco: Table diplomacy

Mayor Ed Lee (left) greets Gao Zhansheng, China's consul general in San Francisco, in the city's Chinatown on Sunday before a game of ping-pong, or table tennis, as part of a community sports competition. Liu Yilin / For China Daily

 Across America

San Francisco: Development prospects

Stewart Chen, a candidate for the Alameda, California, city council in November's election, speaks to China Daily's Chen Jia recently about the possibility of opening the long-stalled Alameda Point redevelopment project to Chinese investors. The project is the former site of a US naval base. Stephanie Leung / China Daily


 Across America

New York: Tourism Cooperation

Xue Yaping (right), director of the China National Tourist Office in New York, speaks with Larry Lee (left), president of China Daily USA, at the newspaper's office on Thursday. They agreed to enhance their organizations' cooperation in promoting tourism between China and the US. According to Xue, Chinese tourism to the US has grown by 30 percent annually in recent years while the number of Americans visiting China has picked up since the US recession ended in 2009. Frank Huo / China Daily

 Across America

Los Angeles: Trip notes

Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe, whose district includes Los Angeles International Airport and the Port of Long Beach, talks with China Daily's Wang Jun about his recent visit to China with seven mayors and legislators from the county. The Californians met with local government leaders in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing. Kimia Mostaghimi / China Daily

