China will intensify its construction of water conservation facilities with priorities given to improving irrigation infrastructure for grain security and projects against drought and floods, officials said.
The capital's new vehicle and traffic regulations will likely steer automakers toward smaller cities, experts have said.
China has achieved in advance its pollution reduction targets for two major air and water indices, Zhou Shengxian, minister of environmental protection, said Wednesday.
China issued its first green development level report Thursday. Eastern provinces got higher ranks than western and central regions, while Beijing topped the list, China Environment News reported.
China should choose a low-carbon way in pursuit of urbanization, said an expert at a climate change conference in Hong Kong on Thursday.
Efficient public transportation systems have contributed to London's low-carbon commitment, and this system can serve as a role model for other mega-cities like Beijing in their pursuit of sustainability, experts said at a climate change conference in Hong Kong on Thursday.
French power and transportation equipment maker Alstom opened a 1 billion yuan ($150.02 million) hydropower manufacturing facility in Tianjin on Thursday to expand its portfolio in China's rapidly growing energy market.
Atlantis Resources Corp, an ocean-current turbine maker, plans to expand in China, India and South Korea, after winning a bid in the United Kingdom to build the world's largest tidal-power project.