After three late-night escape attempts from a veterinarian's office, a German shepherd named Jack finally made it.
Officials say an $80,000 motorcycle stolen in Texas last year from Hollywood screenwriter Skip Woods has been recovered in the southern Philippines.
Police say an 8-year-old boy sold his father's loaded gun to a fellow third-grader for $3 at their New York City school.
A New York gallery offered adventurous eaters on Sunday the opportunity to sample cheese made from human breast milk, getting mixed reviews and some puzzled looks.
Police say an 8-year-old boy sold his father's loaded gun to a fellow third-grader for $3 at their New York City school.
Oregon authorities says two Golden Retrievers swept 175 feet down a cliff in a landslide survived their tumble to the edge of the Clackamas River.
A man charged with teasing a police dog by barking at it says a city law violates free speech.
Two friends who hired a New York City cab driver to drive them across the United States for $5,000 have arrived in Los Angeles.
Did a calico cat from New Jersey swim across New York Harbor? The mystery surrounds a white, orange and black feline that arrived last weekend on Governors Island in New York.
Stressed out by your job and looking for a change? Chances are you work in media, and maybe should consider something in health care.
About 4,000 children and their parents attended the fun day to celebrate the coming of Easter festival which falls on April 24, 2011.
Worried about how many calories you are going to consume in that slice of pizza, chocolate cake or bag of fries? A new iPhone application may help.