What is your zodiac animal?
Birth year from 1924 to 2019
Rat: 1924/1936/1948/1960/1972/1984/1996/2008
The Rat is quick-witted. They are confident and usually have good instincts. Very well organized and talented, Rat makes a good businessman or politician. They could be greedy, but also seek knowledge and welcome challenges. Compatible with Dragon and Monkey.
Ox: 1925/1937/1949/1961/1973/1985/1997/2009
Stubborn as they are, they prefer to live by their own rules rather than others'. The Ox is steadfast, a solid leader. But they are also protective and strong companions. Compatible with Snake and Rooster.
Tiger: 1926/1938/1950/1962/1974/1986/1998/2010
Tigers are daring fighters. As one of the most powerful Chinese Zodiac signs, the Tiger is authoritative, self-possessed and has strong leadership qualities. Compatible with Horse and Dog.
Rabbit: 1927/1939/1951/1963/1975/1987/1999/2011
Nobody would ignore people who were born in the year of the Rabbit. They are usually kind, sweet and popular. But sometimes they could be pessimistic, conservative and insecure, and that explains why most of them don't like change. Compatible with Pig and Dragon.
Dragon: 1928/1940 /1952/1764/1976 /1988/2000/2012
As the noble animal symbol that represents the Chinese emperor, dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. They are idealists, perfectionists and good at giving orders. Compatible with Monkey and Rat.
Snake: 1929/1941/1953/1965/1977/1989/2001/2013
Snakes are born charming and popular. They are spotlight magnets, and are good with money. However, most Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money. Compatible with Rooster and Ox.
Horse: 1930/1942 /1954/1966/1978 /1990/2002/2014
Horses are active and energetic. They enjoy traveling, and intimacy, a little bit impatient though. Compatible with Dog and Tiger.
Goat: 1931/1943/1955/1967/1979/1991/2003/2015
People born under this sign are the most creative. They are also elegant, charming and artistic. They can be lazy sometimes, but they will make a good craftsman or artist or writer and can confidently take up any career demanding artistic talents. Compatible with Pig and Rabbit.
Monkey: 1932/1944 /1956/1968/1980 /1992/2004/2016
If you go to a party, you'll find Monkeys at the center of attention. Their charm and humor is the key to their popularity. They don't hide their emotions. You can probably tell how a Monkey is feeling from miles away. Compatible with Rat and Dragon.
Rooster: 1933/1945 /1957/1969/1981 /1993/2005/2017
Though sharp, practical and resourceful, the Rooster also likes to dream. They are so straightforward that sometimes they hurt other's feelings without noticing. Compatible with Ox and Snake.
Dog: 1934/1946/1958 /1970/1982/1994 /2006/2018
They are wonderful companions only when they are in a good mood. When panic strikes, they could be defensive and picky. Compatible with Tiger and Horse.
Pig: 1935/1947/1989 /1971/1983/1995 /2007/2019
They are born to give, to yield and to serve. In relationships, they are sensitive and caring, but naive. The Pig also has a great thirst for knowledge. Compatible with Rabbit and Goat.