Woman covers license plate with pad

Updated: 2011-10-08 10:34


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Woman covers license plate with pad

A woman covers her car's license plate number with a pad in Quzhou, Zhejiang province, on Oct 5, 2011. Photo was edited for protecting privacy. [Photo/zjnews.zjol.com.cn]

A woman who broke the speed limit on an expressway in Quzhou, Zhejiang province, on afternoon of Oct 5, 2011, covered her car's license plate with a pad to escape being punished, zjnews.zjol.com.cn reported.

The woman, surnamed Jiang (not real name), said she feels so sorry for what she did.

"I was afraid being captured for speeding by the monitor, so I stick a pad which has sticky parts on the car number tag," Jiang said.

Jiang was fined 400 yuan ($62.7) for speeding and covering her license plate and her driver's license was deducted 9 points. If a license is deducted 12 points within one year, the driver will be forced to take lessons for traffic rules.