Wen voices confidence in Sino-Indian co-op

Updated: 2011-11-18 22:49


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BALI - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Friday that he was confident China and India would have better cooperation in the future.

Wen made the remarks while meeting his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the ongoing series of meetings for East Asian leaders.

The Chinese premier said there is enough space in the world for China-India cooperation, and the two countries have enough fields in which they can cooperate.

The complicated changes taking place in international and regional situation brought new opportunities and challenges to us, Wen said.

As neighbors and two most populous developing countries, China and India's peaceful coexistence and common development are in the common interests of both sides, and are of great importance to Asia and the world as a whole, he added.

Wen called on both countries to create more favorable conditions for free circulation of goods, technology, capital and services, to encourage two-way investment and cooperation in projects contracting, so as to make more benefits for companies and peoples of the two countries.

China will join hands with India to pursue the path of friendship, mutual trust and cooperation, and push for new achievements in bilateral relations, the premier said.

Singh said the talks he had held with Wen at the meetings for East Asian leaders had produced fruitful results, and bilateral cooperation in dealing with global climate change had helped create a friendly atmosphere for the world in handling this problem.

The Indian prime minister spoke positively of the India-China strategic partnership and stressed that no forces could hold back their development. He vowed to further enhance mutual trust with China, deepen bilateral exchanges and cooperation in trade, investment and culture, and make closer communication and coordination on major international issues.

The two prime ministers also voiced support for work of the two countries' special representatives on border issue, saying they will push forward the solution-seeking process of the issue and maintain peace and stability in the border regions in concerted efforts.

Wen arrived here on Thursday and is expected to hold talks with leaders of several countries on further promotion of bilateral ties.

The series of meetings for East Asian leaders, scheduled for November 18-19, are now an annual event and provide a forum for regional leaders to exchange views on cooperation and to map out a future development blueprint for the region.