Timberlake 'not able to rush out albums'

Updated: 2012-09-21 10:48


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Timberlake 'not able to rush out albums'

Cast member Justin Timberlake attends the premiere of "Trouble With the Curve" at the Westwood Village Theater on Wednesday, Sept 19, 2012, in Los Angeles.[Photo/Agencies]

He brought "SexyBack", but don't quite wait for Justin Timberlake to bring his music back - just yet.

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The singing superstar said his music making process is fueled by life's experiences and making an album "is a really big deal".

"For me, personally, when I do sit down and decide to do it, it's just a special thing," he said in an interview Wednesday night.

Timberlake is engaged to actress Jessica Biel. He's appeared in a ton of movies in recent years, from "The Social Network" to "Friends With Benefits". This week he's in "Trouble With the Curve", alongside Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams.

His last album was 2006's "FutureSex/LoveSounds", a Grammy-winning record that launched three No 1 hits and sold more than 4 million units in the United States. He's appeared on songs by other musicians but has not released his own music since.

The 31-year-old said he's unlike today's artists, who constantly drop albums and singles.

"I don't know that I can pump them out every year," he said.
