Canada seeks to raise energy exports to China

Updated: 2011-11-16 14:45


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VANCOUVER - Canada's energy cooperation with other countries will have no effect on its desire to increase energy exports to China, Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said Tuesday.

Speaking during a conference call from Ottawa after returning from a visit to China and Japan, Oliver said the oil sands from Alberta have 170 billion barrels of oil, the third largest proven reserve in the world.

"It really makes sense to look to Asia, particularly China, and that's what we're doing," said the minister, who promoted Canada's abundant resources in oil, forestry and minerals during his China trip.

Now with nearly all of its energy exports going to the United States, Canada needs to broaden its market and diversify its customer base, Oliver said.

His comments echoed those of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who said Sunday in Hawaii that it is necessary for Canadian energy products to be able to access Asia markets.