Search operation continues on site of plane crash

Updated: 2012-05-18 15:14


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JAKARTA - Indonesian and Russian rescuers keep searching the small parts of remains of bodies and another part of black box of plane crash in a mountain in Bogor town near Jakarta, Indonesian rescuer said here on Friday.

But, the scale of the operation had been decline since Thursday, as most of the bodies had been retrieved, Gagah Prakoso, spokesman of the national search and rescue office said.

"We have decreased the number of personal from about 800 to some 200," he told Xinhua over phone.

On Thursday, the rescuer announced that most all of the bodies had been found ater the rescuers found one part of the black box, cockpit voice recorder.

Sukhoi super jet-100 smashed a steep of Mount. Salak in Bogor of West Java while carrying out a demo flight on Wednesday, no sign of survivor among the 8 Russion crews and 45 passengers on board.

The spokesman said as many as 39 body bags, containing the body parts and other accessories, had been sent to the police hospital in Jakarta for identification.

"But, we still look for the smaller parts of the bodies at the same time with searching for flight data recorder," he said.

The searching was helped by electronic detectors and others electronic devices, said Prakoso.

Indonesia and Russia cooperate in searching operation, identification of the victims and determining the cause of the accident.
