Renewed interest in Chinese workers’ contributions during WWI helps shed new light on China-Europe relationship
China Daily honors those whose sacrifices in the wars of the last century helped to ensure the peace and prosperity enjoyed by the vast majority of humankind today.
Chinese are becoming more open to the use of condoms while manufacturing output of condoms totaled 10 billion in 2013.
Physical bookstores in China look set to live out their last days even as their cyber counterparts
expand on the back of imported off erings.
The revival of traditional pottery-making techniques has resulted in renewed interest in an ancient city's kilns and provided a boost for local tourism, as Peng Yining reports from Jingdezhen, Jiangxi.
Clinic on frontier of AIDS care provides medicine for Chinese, needy across border in Myanmar.
Entrepreneurs in the coastal city of Qingdao, Shandong province, are contemplating a boost to their businesses after the launch of China's newest development zone, the Qingdao West Coast New Area.
International agreements, communication channels and cooperation are vital in the campaign to root out terror-related video and audio products online.
A city government in South China has started recruiting foreigners as a way of making a mark on the international stage, as Xu Jingxi reports from Foshan, Guangdong province.
Documents unveiled by the Provincial Archives in Jilin province have cast fresh light on atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the occupation of China.
With bets expected to exceed 10 billion yuan during the entire World Cup, many gamblers are paying with their lives after racking up huge debts.
Campaign against corruption brings into focus people in positions of responsibility whose families are living overseas. But one province is leading the way to ensure that the home alone concept is being tackled.