Despite facing a slowing economy, Chengdu Modern Vocational School doesn't worry about job prospects of its graduates.
The employment rate for higher vocational school graduates is better than that for college postgraduates this year.
Seven years after China's Renewable Energy Law took effect in January 2006, renewable energy companies are still facing obstacles.
Lack of a local club in the top-tier professional league has seen Xinjiang soccer struggle to enter the mainstream of modern professionalism.
The divorce of Chinese pop diva Faye Wong and Li Yapeng has prompted many people to take a searching look at their own marriages.
Unseasonable weather swept over Beijing during the summer, covering the capital in smog and haze for 18 days during June and resulting in the highest number of high-pollution days in the month for 50 years, according to the China Meteorological Administration.
The toughest-ever measures to tackle China's worsening air pollution set out goals for the nation's 338 cities.
Cao Xianghong has been director of the National Petroleum Products and Lubricants Standardization Technical Committee for more than 10 years. He spoke to China Daily about the cost of upgrading the gasoline standard from phase 4 to phase 5.
The anti-corruption drive triggered by the UK GSK bribery case will embrace the medical industry nationwide.
Are you familiar with the name Confucius Institute? How about the idea of a convenience store for Chinese language and culture?
Sailors work in difficult, occasionally dangerous surroundings.
The determination of Chinese people to achieve happiness can be uplifting.