Private capital encouraged in emerging industries

2011-08-16 15:44:23

No threshold should be set when private enterprises invest in China's emerging industries of strategic importance, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced in its latest notice.

Tardy oil price cut due to pricing mechanism

2011-08-16 15:25:40

China has yet to cut its oil prices despite the recent plummet of international oil pirces, since the country's oil prices depend on its oil-pricing mechanism, the Beijing News reported China Petroleum Co (Sinopec Group) as saying.

CAAC announces plans to manage flight delays

2011-08-15 17:32:13

Civil Aviation Administration of China has announced that flights delayed by more than two hours will be given priority to take off and it will coordinate with the military to open provisional airspace and routes during large-scale flight delays.

Home buy limit drives rent to soar in Beijing

2011-08-15 17:05:56

Housing prices have been relatively stable and slightly reduced in Beijing since the strictest "home purchase limit" was implemented six months ago. However, while the demand for purchasing has dropped, the trend of renting has led to increasing rent prices, Beijing Times reported Monday.

Dagong explains Ministry of Railways' high rating

2011-08-15 15:02:25

Dagong Global Credit Rating Co Ltd, the agency that recently gave the Ministry of Railways a credit rating of AAA, has defended its rating in response to doubts from the public, China Business News reported.

Risks of repaying local govt debt reduced

2011-08-15 14:58:24

A total of 43 percent of local government debt, or 4.6 trillion yuan ($711.16 billion), will reach maturity in two years, China Securities Journal reported Monday, citing an authoritative source who declined to reveal his name.

China to root out illegal pyramid sellers

2011-08-15 11:19:03

Guangxi local authorities are cracking down on pyramid selling, arresting key players as the country as a whole vows to eradicate such network marketing, reported on Monday.

New cable network set to launch in September

2011-08-12 15:35:00

A new national cable network company that plans to hang out its shingle by September will play an important role in the integration of telecommunications networks, cable TV networks and the Internet.

CAAC announces plans to manage flight delays

2011-08-15 17:32:13

Civil Aviation Administration of China has announced that flights delayed by more than two hours will be given priority to take off and it will coordinate with the military to open provisional airspace and routes during large-scale flight delays.

Home buy limit drives rent to soar in Beijing

2011-08-15 17:05:56

Housing prices have been relatively stable and slightly reduced in Beijing since the strictest "home purchase limit" was implemented six months ago. However, while the demand for purchasing has dropped, the trend of renting has led to increasing rent prices, Beijing Times reported Monday.

Dagong explains Ministry of Railways' high rating

2011-08-15 15:02:25

Dagong Global Credit Rating Co Ltd, the agency that recently gave the Ministry of Railways a credit rating of AAA, has defended its rating in response to doubts from the public, China Business News reported.

Risks of repaying local govt debt reduced

2011-08-15 14:58:24

A total of 43 percent of local government debt, or 4.6 trillion yuan ($711.16 billion), will reach maturity in two years, China Securities Journal reported Monday, citing an authoritative source who declined to reveal his name.