Media professionals and scholars from China and the United States participated in a two-day conference Oct 5-6 at the National Press Club in Washington to discuss the new type of major country relationship and the role of the media. The meeting was organized by the China Energy Fund Committee as its sixth Sino-US Colloquium first launched four years ago.
Sino-US Intellectual Exchange Qu Yingpu (seated center), deputy editor-in-chief of China Daily, speaks at a panel discussion during a Sino-US colloquium on a new type of major country relations and the role of the media on Sunday in Washington. Li Ge / China Daily |
Words Of Wisdom Liu Guijin (left), former Chinese ambassador to South Africa, whispers with C.P. Ho, deputy chairman and secretary general of the China Energy Fund Committee, after the panel discussion at the Sino-US colloquium on major country relations. Li Ge / China Daily |
Academic Discourse Zhong Xin (right), professor of School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China, talks on Sunday at a panel discussion on journalism education and the nurturing of talent in the sixth Sino-US Colloquium to explore relations between China and the US and the role of the media. On the left is Monroe Price, director of Center for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Chen Weihua / China Daily |
Improving China-US Communications Speakers and organizers of the Sino-US colloquium meet to discuss major country relations and the role of the media on Sunday at the National Press Club in Washington. Chen Weihua / China Daily |
That's The Way It Was Lee Harris, CBS New York news anchor, recalls the interactive history between broadcasting professionals of US and China. Li Ge / China Daily |
Media Role Call Former US National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane delivers the keynote speech at a Sino-US colloquium on major country relations and the role of the media Sunday at the National Press Club in Washington. Chen Weihua / China Daily |
(China Daily USA 10/06/2014 page7)