It's that time of year again. Apple has released a new iPhone and with it, an upgrade to it's iOS operating system. With pretty much every system upgrade Apple ups-the-ante in terms of gaming and visual performance. These are a few apps that best show of the new graphic prowess of iOS 8.
Plunder Pirates!
Developer: Rovio Stars
Platform: iOS only
This game is a pirate themed version of the incredibly popular Clash of Clans by Finnish studio, SuperCell. As the old adage goes, you don't fix what isn't broke, and unfortunately for Rovio, Plun- der Pirates! will struggle to compete with Clash of Clans. Since we’re talking about iOS 8, Plunder Pirates! uses Apple's new Metal software to beef up the graphics. The game looks crisp and clean and it runs very smoothly. The graphics in its water ef ects sequences are awe-inspiring.
Asphalt 8
Developer: Gameloft
Platform: iOS and Android
Gameloft's long run- ning Asphalt series is usu- ally a graphic powerhouse and Asphalt 8 is no exception. It is just as visually pleasing as previous games. While it was released one year ago, the game has been updated to take advantage of iOS 8. The updated version increases the game’s already strong visual appeal. There isn't much to be said about Asphalt 8 apart from that it is a gorgeous racing game. Players can use real cash or in-game currency to purchase new cars and with the enhanced visuals, the cars shine and refl ect light like real cars.
Beach Buggy Racing
Developer: Vector Unit Inc
Platform: iOS and Android
This racing game plays in a similar way to the classic video game Mario Kart. Players control a "kart" racer and partake in races. Throughout the race, there are mystery boxes that provide the player with weapons, speed-ups, and other items to help reach the fi nish line before others. It works well as a basic mobile version of Mario Kart, the racing is intuitive and simple.